We’re excited to announce a new tree planting project in New Zealand in partnership with One Tree Planted.
For every JAC chair or stool sold in New Zealand a tree will be planted to restore native biodiversity in Pamoa Forest, increasing the stability of land from erosion to secure the main potable water supply pipeline to Gisborne City. This planting will take place within the Gisborne District of Tairawhiti.
Indigenous plants and animals benefit most from a mixture of old and new growth. One of the greatest ecological values of Waingake is that it has additional habitats and vegetation types. The planting will also provide suitable habitat for a range of plant and animal life.

The restoration provides connectivity to Te Mauri o te Ngāhere (enhanced life principle of the forest) for all New Zealanders, and added value to heritage areas. Locally, our partners are committed to delivering on the aspirations of Māori and iwi.

Enhancing indigenous vegetation in the headwaters of the Te Arai, Nuhaka and Mangapoike rivers will in turn provide protection for aquatic fish and invertebrates. These two areas will provide a large ecological corridor for native animals to move across.
Stay tuned for more updates in 2021.