The Year that was...
As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time to reflect on the incredible journey we've embarked upon.
Zenith RBA actively seeks to support the Australian indigenous community underlying our commitment to closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage. 2023 has been a busy year; from engaging with local and indigenous communities, to striving for better education and employment opportunities for indigenous youth. Here’s a few of our highlights and projects from the last 12 months.
As part of our reciprocal commitment to the communities in which we operate, for 2023 Zenith’s JAC tree planting initiative in Australia has been focused on Ecological Restoration in South-West WA. Working with the Tambellup Noongar community and the Binalup Ranger Aboriginal Group, the project aims to undertake a cultural and ecological restoration of 130 hectares of degraded cleared land next to the river. For this Aboriginal owned project site, works will provide ongoing education and discovery for the community and provide empowerment through on going employment.
National Sorry Day, a day of reflection for The Stolen Generations was acknowledged at Zenith with Zenith RBA Director Jeremy Abbott sharing his families Stolen Generations story with our Zenith Victoria team and outlining the on-going impact this still has on many Indigenous people and communities today. The week following Sorry Day is National Reconciliation Week. 27 May to 3 June is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. Zenith held several events aimed at continued learning and reconciliation.
This was followed by NAIDOC Week in July, with a theme of “For Our Elders”. Zenith RBA invited Red Dust Role Models to facilitate an educational discussion on the vital role that Elders have played and continue to play, in Aboriginal & Torres Strait families and communities. The Red Dust Role Models discussions were illuminating and well received companywide.
We were proud to establish new partnerships and renew existing relationships with a number of organisations. Zenith RBA partnered with The Polly Farmer Foundation, who are focused on enriching education and career opportunities for indigenous youth.
As part of our Indigenous Action Plan, Zenith RBA have supported MITS with an array of commercial furniture for their recently completed offices and new boarding house on Church St in Richmond. We were also thrilled to be able to provide a MITS year 11 Alumni student two weeks of work experience with Zenith at our Sandringham factory.
Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem, and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men to equip them to participate more meaningfully in society. Our ongoing involvement and investment with Clontarf seeks to increase the number of children who can participate and enhance their opportunities.
Zenith RBA are also proud to have completed many projects for our valued clients. We thank all our partners and supporters and look forward to a successful and meaningful 2024 where Zenith RBA can continue to deliver key outcomes for indigenous youth and support ongoing reconciliation.
As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time to reflect on the incredible journey we've embarked upon.
Schamburg + Alvisse gave a presentation at Zenith Melbourne showroom to discuss the remarkable research and design journey of Jac.