Ecological Restoration in South-West WA (2024) is an ongoing programme to which Zenith has contributed 11,810 trees since July 2023.
The South-West WA project divides its focus between two sites. The first is Boorokup, a property on the Gordon river, an ancient drainage site that is now a series of saline lakes. The property is 358 hectares with 250 hectares being cleared land.
The second project site is the Tambellup Noongar Farm, a property that is owned by the Aboriginal community in the town of Tambellup. Like Boorokup, this property is also located directly adjacent to the Gordon River, roughly 25 kilometres upstream from Boorokup. Working with the Tambellup Noongar community and the Binalup Ranger Aboriginal Group, the project aims to undertake a cultural and ecological restoration of 130 hectares of degraded cleared land next to the river. For this Aboriginal owned project site, works will provide ongoing education and discovery for the community and provide empowerment through on-going employment.