Australia Sales Conference 2024
Australia Sales Conference 2024

At Zenith we take pride in our commitment to our people. We work as a team focused on providing quality furnishings and a level of product knowledge unsurpassed in our industry. Our annual Sales Conference, held last week in Melbourne, was dedicated to bringing our national teams together to share innovations, discuss strategies for the coming year and to network and have fun.

The Sales Conference 2024, held over 2 days, included informative talks from designers, suppliers and industry partners. Other speakers included Zenith’s Organisational Development Manager who shared our  support programs for staff wellbeing. Zenith Design Studio’s Creative Director talked through the design process for the incredible range of forthcoming products for 2025.

Zenith would like to thank everyone who attended and the organisers for making it such a successful event! We look forward to our next conference in New Zealand and anticipate an exhilarating 2025!

